A tee-time is required to play at Cassel Hills. If immediate assistance is needed while pro shop is closed, please leave a message at (937) 545-7222. Check the current golf course conditions and download the RainOutline App below and sign up for text alerts!
Click Here For Current Golf Course Conditions
Offseason Rates (Effective 10/17/24 - 3/31/25)
If interested in working at Cassel Hills Golf Course, call 937-890-1300 and ask for Ben. Or click the link below and select Parks and Recreation Seasonal and Part-Time Positions
Click Here For the City of Vandalia Employment Opportunities Page
Cassel Hills offers the best value in the Dayton area but it's not the easiest golf course. We have 2 certified instructors on staff, for Adult & Junior Lessons.
If you need new grips or a shaft replacement, contact Keith Cornelison at Fit-To-Hit Golf.